Patrick is uniquely qualified to lead this next chapter of bringing our forests back to health, boosting jobs in rural Washington, and reducing the threat of wildfires.

Building a Climate Coalition: Patrick will drive consensus to ensure the most basic and proven strategies are implemented quickly and that we do everything in our power to combat climate change.

Creating New Opportunities: In communities like Patrick’s, people who depend on jobs in logging, trucking and fishing have been told to find a new path. Patrick understands the balance of not only caring for the land, but how to properly manage resources to create a stronger, more sustainable economy. As someone who’s made their living off the land and water, Patrick will work to maintain and develop new opportunities in rural communities.

Fighting, Preventing, and Preparing for Wildfires: As wildfires are more frequent, and increasingly more dangerous, the emergency responders on the front lines fighting these fires deserve all the support we can provide. DNR improves forest health, reduces wildfire risks, and supports local fire districts, and Patrick will do everything in his power to prevent a wildfire from spreading and becoming  deadly. He will ensure our first responders have the most up-to-date equipment and investigate/research to determine whether forming a task force, similar to CAL FIRE, makes sense for Washington to better manage resource allocation and fire prevention strategies to adapt to our ever changing environment. Patrick is the only candidate who can hit the ground running: he’s endorsed by firefighters IAFF Local 31, has worked in emergency response, fighting wildfires and he understands the intersection between creating good-paying union jobs in rural communities and achieving climate sustainability goals.

Planting More Trees: Trees are our most important renewable resource and an essential asset in fighting climate change. By increasing coverage of tree canopies in urban and suburban communities, we help lower temperatures, saving families money on cooling costs and lowering the energy production needed to deal with our new climate reality. Planting trees in places where there haven’t been any in the past (aforestation) leads to more trees, capturing more carbon. It also provides vital revenue to the DNR to deal with the effects of wildfires and other climate impacts. Patrick would work with the Legislature to empower DNR to enhance sequestration revenue streams. 

Increasing Diversity: From the Weneha-Tucannon Wilderness to the shores of Neah Bay, to Colville National Forest to Cape Disappointment, the diversity of our land sustains our economy and provides recreational opportunities. But we need to do more to understand and work with communities and constituencies who are too often ignored. Patrick will help ensure those impacted the most by environmental injustices have a seat at the table.

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